
smash player tracker

Built an Express app where you can create a personalized dashboard for updates on your favorite Smash Ultimate Pro Players. Communicates with a MySQL database for user management, and incorporates Start.gg's GraphQL API for player stats and info. Also incorporates notification system via Twilio. All code can be found here.


Participated in ACM @ UCSD's Spring 2023 Project Group. Worked in a team of 6 to complete a simple MERN app for promoting and browsing events on campus. Did API development and database management. Project found here.

ray tracer from scratch

render1 render2 render3 render4 render5

Built an executable ray tracer completely from scratch in C++. Additionally built a script to help translate simple .obj files into a readable input/scene file format. Additionally incorporates a Bounding Volume Hierarchy to accelerate rendering times. Project found here.